Yes!! SOPA is DEAD!

We did it!!! Smith has agreed to pull back the bill!!!!! SOPA is gone for the time being. PIPA’s voting has also been postponed (it’s original date was Tuesday…) by Harry Reid. Even though it is stopped now, Smith said he’d get back to this bill in February. Brace yourselves.

So throughout this week, everyone has been going crazy over SOPA. People talk about it on Facebook, in school, everywhere! People who don’t know what it is either get chewed out or a super long explanation usually revolving around what a ……fail person Lamar Smith is.

On the 13th, which was last Friday, the DNS Provisions were removed. I have NO idea what the point of this was… but it seemed to be a waste of time. Apparently, you type in the link thingy on the URL bar, and then the internet figures out the IP address, and then it sends you to the website. What. The. Fuck?

On the 16th, this Monday, the White House announced that SOPA and PIPA were too risky/insecure to use to prevent online piracy. Apparently, it wasn’t good enough xDDD

On the 17th, Jimmy Wales, co-founder of Wikipedia, announced that he was going to be closing down the site because of SOPA. SOPA authors said it was just a bluff and that he would not really do it (but he did :D).

On the 18th, the internet was blacked out. Not cuz of SOPA. Well, it was cuz of SOPA, but it was because everyone HATED SOPA. Google’s logo was censored, Wikipedia was down, Tumblr was down, etc. etc. Every site allowed you to contact your senator.

On the 19th, SOPA went Mainstream. LOL Something awesome that also happened was an Anonymous attack on pro-SOPA sites. After Megaupload was down, many government sites also shut down because of these attackers. Apparently, if they were caught, they would be sentenced to 20 years. [link]

On the 20th, which is today, Reid postponed the PIPA voting. On the same day, Smith also decided to withdraw his stupid SOPA bill. 😀 FINALLY. They listened. Obviously, the internet’s voice is too strong.

[Link to The Week That Killed SOPA]

So there was a poll about who did the most to help stop SOPA.

Wikipedia got the most votes, then Reddits. [link]

Omg, I’m so happy :D.

HAHAHA EVEN OBAMA’S ON OUR SIDE! I hope he gets re-elected 😀

About sweethollyichigo

The most random person on Earth, but is still sane :D. Loves animating, playing the piano, watching anime, reading manga, listening to music, and reading. Music type is Japanese Pop. Loves Nico Nico Douga singers. They are heavenly. :D
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